We would like to inform you that our office will be moving to 1109 1st Ave. Ste. 212, Seattle, WA 98101 beginning September 26, 2022. If you have an appointment with us after September 26, 2022, you will have to meet us at out new address. Any correspondence after this date must be addressed our new address as well.
Rios Immigration Defense, P.S.

Challenging Cases. Extraordinary Commitment. Impeccable Integrity.

Manuel Rios receives prestigious “Ohtli” award: Univision Report

On Behalf of | Oct 11, 2013 | Firm News

Manuel Rios received the “Ohtli” award from the Government of Mexico on October 11, 2013 at a reception hosted by the Consulate of Mexico in Seattle. The Ohtli award is given to individuals to recognize their exceptional contributions to the well-being, prosperity and empowerment of Mexican communities living outside of Mexico. Manuel, a founding partner of Rios & Cruz, was recognized for his years of work and success in defending the rights of the Latino and Mexican communities throughout Washington and the region, as well as providing legal services in collaboration with the Consulate of Mexico in Seattle since 2002. Previous recipients of the Ohtli award include Antonio Villaraigosa, the former Mayor of Los Angeles, Raul Izaguirre, founder of the National Council of La Raza, Bill Richardson, the former Governor of New Mexico and Arturo Rodriguez, President of the United Farm Workers.

